Modern Plastics Middle East

Amferia Granted US Patent for its Antimicrobial Material Platform

The Swedish medical device company Amferia AB announced today that it has been granted the foundational patent by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) for its innovative antimicrobial material based on an amphiphilic antimicrobial hydrogel. The company is now in its final stages of product development for wound care applications and aims to launch the first product within animal health during 2022. The patent (US 11235021) concerns the primary invention behind Amferia’s platform technology, an amphiphilic antimicrobial hydrogel material that can rapidly bind and kill all types of bacteria, even antimicrobial resistant bacteria, on to its surface without harming the body. The material utilizes co-valent binding between antimicrobial peptides and an amphiphilic hydrogel to form a solid antimicrobial hydrogel material, which exerts a strong antibacterial effect upon direct contact with bacteria, without leaching or release of any antimicrobials into the environment around the material. Amferia is today translating this invention into wound care products for both human and animal health. Anand Kumar Rajasekharan, CEO of Amferia − “This is an important milestone as the granted patent recognizes the core invention of Amferia. We are very excited that the patent grant coincides with our recent product development within wound care for the European and US market. Of special relevance to this patent is our ongoing process for seeking US FDA 510k clearance on our wound dressing product.”