The plastic industry in your hand

The plastic industry in your hand

m-hub is the first mobile app that helps you to promote your business and find all
players in the plastic industry with the tap of a finger.

Launched during last year K-show in Düsseldorf, M-HUB was born as an easy-to-use business tool to brake
barriers within the plastic industry and help plastic professionals to take a step towards a digital future.
EXPLORE THE WORLD OF PLASTICS By creating a free personal account, you will join the first business network
including all players in the industry, ranging from the early stage of the supply chain to the very end customers. You will be able to search for any company that fits your specific needs with just a few taps.
There are two main ways to explore M-HUB’s network: the free text search on the top where you can
simply type what you need, and the dedicated advanced search for companies, products and machines.
Within the advanced search for companies and products you will be able to use a wide range of filters, from country and geolocation to core business, field of application and expertise. The advanced machine search also adds a few technical filters as well such as the availability and price of the machinery you are looking for.
From the list of results, you will be able to review in detail the companies, products or machines which may fit your needs.

Once you find suitable matches, you can easily get in touch with them using the call to actions available in M-HUB. A map view is also available to help you understand where your new potential partners or customers are located and focus on the ones more valuable for you. You can also explore our “Featured Companies”, “Featured Products” and “Featured Machines” which are showcased on the home page of M-HUB.

The plastic supply chain is a highly complex, diversified sector which comprises hundreds of thousands
of companies and employs millions of people worldwide. Thanks to the possibility of creating a company profile
for free, M-HUB helps businesses stand out across the entire plastics world. The app allows even smaller
companies and entrepreneurs to gain visibility worldwide and maximize their business opportunities.
Creating a company profile in M-HUB is as easy as it gets: after specifying a few basic contact details, such as the address and contact email of your company, you will be able to specify your business information:
• Core Business: pick up to 3 core businesses for your company. Embracing
all sectors in the plastic industry we made sure you can find yours.
• Field of Application: all plastic applications are covered in M-HUB.
You will be able to select the most important markets for your company,
ranging from automotive to domestic appliances, electronics, etc…
• Expertise: this is the last step of the company creation which will

allow you to specify in detail your strengths and technologies. You will be able to choose from a list of 500+
expertises and even add your own!  The list is constantly growing thanks to the contribution of our users.
Once you set up your company profile your business will be available for all the matching searches!
The company page can be further enriched by adding your logo, a background picture, your products, and other documents and certificates: the more data you add, the higher the company will be displayed in search results.

Should you need help to fill these data, you can even invite your colleagues from the “Members” tab of the company by simply adding their email. If they do not have an account yet, they will have to
register before accepting the invitation. If they already have an account, they can simply accept the invitation via
email or in the notification center. M-HUB leverages mobile technologies to keep you up to date with the latest
companies and products joining the network. Within the notification center, you will receive weekly notifications on the latest additions to our global network. If you want to push the visibility of your business and maximize your brand awareness, you can pay a small fee to be featured in the “Featured Companies” list in the home page of M-HUB.

Each company can add unlimited products and services to showcase heir capabilities to their potential
customers on a global stage. With a few taps, it is possible to add up to 3 pictures for each product, specify the
related expertise and field of application and add a dedicated description. Your product will be searchable by
all users in the community! You canuse this feature also to showcase your most important case studies.
Each product you add will be shown in the weekly product notification, so everyone will be aware of the updates to your portfolio. Keep adding them regularly! For a small fee you can add one of your products to the “Featured
Products” in the home page and boost its visibility across the plastic world.

MAKE THE MOST OUT OF YOUR MACHINERY M-HUB is also a marketplace for
any kind of machinery in the plastic sector, allowing companies to add their machines for sale, for rental
or to fill their production capacity. On the other hand, buyers can find new or
used machines with the specific technical requirements they need from the palm
of their hand – without any middlemen. Companies can add their machines
specifying basic details such as:• Machine category: select the
category among all the types
of machinery in the industry.
• Machine name
• Availability: machines can either be available for sale (new, in stock or used), for rental, for production or for trials.
• Price: the price can be explicit or “on request” if you would like to disclose it at a later stage.

You can add the machine price in your local currency: M-HUB will take care in converting the price with the latest
exchange rates so that everyone will see the price in its preferred currency. Once the machine is created, you can
specify further details such as the manufacturer of the machine, the manufacturing year, the model and
a description. You can even attach pictures and other relevant documents to allow potential customers
to find more information. The more data you add, the higher your machine will be displayed in search results.
If you have an urgent need to sell your machine or fill your production capacity, you can promote it in the
home page of M-HUB in the “Featured Machines” section always for a small fee.


is now available in 13 different languages and can be downloaded for free on Google Play, Apple App Store
and the main Chinese Android Stores. ‘’The story of m-hub starts from four professionals working in the plastic
industry, like you. Seeing customers and suppliers bothered by the lack of visibility, market knowledge and integration, we decided to take on the challenge of connecting all the plastic supply chain through an all-round platform tailor-made on the needs of the industry. One year after the launch, the App has reached more than 8000 professionals and 1500+ companies from more than 80 countries: a global App to serve a global industry!’.
2021 will bring new features – chat and web version on the horizon – providing more and more value to our users. Stay tuned, the best has yet to come!’’ Andrea Tellan, Co-founder of M-HUB