Modern Plastics Middle East

Hasco Award for Innovative Products


Hasco Award for Innovative Products

In a competition held by the trade journal Modern Plastics India, HASCO India, which is based in Bangalore, was able to convince the jury with its innovative new products in two categories.

Tool and mouldmaking:

HASCO Loc Check enables fast localisation of moulds

The new HASCO Loc Check A5900/… makes it possible at any time to establish the location of a mould worldwide, wherever GSM network is available. With the GSM tracking, the location can be called up via an easy-to-use web interface. Maximum data security is guaranteed through the use of certified servers. A battery charge lasts for more than 3,000 transmission cycles, which, depending on the transmission frequency, corresponds to an operation period of up to three years. With a magnet attachment, the Loc Check A5900/… can be easily mounted directly on the mould.

Hot runner technology:

HASCO Streamrunner – the first additively manufactured hot runner

The additive manufacturing technology offers maximum design freedom and breaks through the previous limitations in the design of hot runners. Developed with state-of-the-art technologies for innovative, future-oriented solutions, the Streamrunner stands out through its compact design, perfect balancing, particularly gentle passage of the melt and excellent colour change characteristics. Every Streamrunner is designed individually to deal with a particular task and is optimised on the basis of rheological simulations.

HASCO Support in India

General Manager Rajnikant Patel looks proudly at the award presented to him. “For us, this is motivation to make the day-to-day work of tool and mouldmakers in India easier with the help of innovative products and top service.”

As an internationally leading standard-component specialist, HASCO has been active in India since 1998. It first entered the market as a branch of HASCO Singapore Pte Ltd. The growing success of the branch enabled HASCO India to be founded as an independent, limited liability company in 2003. Currently, a ten-member HASCO team with in-depth toolmaking expertise serves around 1,200 mouldmakers across India.


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