Modern Plastics Middle East

Collaborating to Co-Create with Our Customers


Collaborating to Co-Create with Our Customers

Markets are shifting. Industries are transforming. Technologies are moving forward. This is a time of incredible change, accelerated by megatrends such as digitalization, globalization and sustainability.

Henkel’s Adhesive Technologies business unit has a 100-year history of providing pioneering solutions for almost every market and application in the world. That’s why our experts understand that there’s no innovation without collaboration. With an aim to provide spur collaboration with our customers and other partners such as suppliers and academia, we set up the IMEA Customer Experience Center in Navi Mumbai.

The center is housed in a building that has two levels dedicated to research and development, product development and innovation. It uses advanced digital tools and processes to improve knowledge sharing, increase efficiency and foster open dialog. The center is closely connected with the Inspiration Center in Düsseldorf and the global network of research and application centers of Henkel Adhesive Technologies to enable tailored solutions for local needs.

Inaugurated on June 7, 2022, the center is designed to inspire our customers to collaborate with our teams and other partners to co-create groundbreaking solutions by leveraging the power of both, digital and physical. Visitors to the center can experience our broad technology portfolio by taking a digital, physical and hands-on journey.

This center, we believe, will support us in leading today’s and shaping tomorrow’s markets with transformative solutions that are co-created with our customers and other partners.

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