Modern Plastics Middle East

New: ARBURGadditive GmbH + Co KG


New: ARBURGadditive GmbH + Co KG

  • ARBURG combines additive manufacturing activities under one roof
  • Dr Victor Roman to assume the role of Managing Director from 1 December 2021
  • Strong product range Lossburg, 08/11/2021

Lossburg, 08/11/2021
ARBURG GmbH + Co KG has founded a new subsidiary: ARBURGadditive GmbH + Co KG. Also based in Lossburg, it will house all of the company's activities related to additive manufacturing. The Managing Director will be Dr Victor Roman, who is set to join the company on 1 December 2021.

In founding its new company, ARBURG is highlighting the significance and future potential that it believes additive manufacturing holds as a key supplementary production method in plastic processing. Following the invention and launch of the Freeformer, plus the purchase of innovatiQ, the logical next step was to combine the full range of additive manufacturing activities under one roof with the aim of strengthening this business field
and paving a path towards a successful future.

An expert at the helm
With Dr Victor Roman taking up the Managing Director position, ARBURGadditive GmbH + Co KG will benefit from the leadership of an experienced industry expert. Dr Victor Roman, 52, studied mechanical engineering and physics before working at an international technology group for more than two decades, a role that gave him extensive experience in development, sales and additive manufacturing.

Restructuring to start from next year
Over the course of 2022, ARBURG Plastic Freeforming will switch entirely over to the new company. This division now has around 40 employees working in sales, development, application technology and assembly. innovatiQ GmbH + Co KG, which currently employs approximately 25 staff members, will remain an independent company based in Feldkirchen, near Munich, but will be affiliated with ARBURGadditive GmbH + Co KG. innovatiQ Managing Director Florian Bautz will in future report to Dr Victor Roman.


Extensive product range
The ARBURGadditive product range includes the Freeformer and innovatiQ's 3D systems. The ARBURG Plastic Freeforming (APF) process with the Freeformer, has been designed to act as an open system, making it possible to adjust the component manufacturing process in line with specific requirements. The process uses verified standard granulates of the kind found in injection moulding. The innovatiQ 3D printing systems operate on the basis of FFF (Fused Filament Fabrication) technology. There is also the LiQ 320 printing system, which processes liquid silicone rubber (LSR) in a special LAM (Liquid Additive Manufacturing) procedure. The various machines work in perfect harmony, enabling them to cover an extensive range of additive applications.