Modern Plastics Middle East

Support Pillar With Clearance Hole and Thread – Extended Product Portfolio


Support Pillar With Clearance Hole and Thread – Extended Product Portfolio

Depending on the size of the injection moulding tool, any deflection when filling the cavities can lead to major problems. Support pillars serve to support mould plates and intermediate plates in order to bridge large gaps between the mould risers.

Greater mould rigidity

The newly designed HASCO support pillars Z571/…, with clearance hole and thread, give designers maximum freedom in mould design, also when high injection moulding pressures have to be absorbed. The use of support pillars makes a considerable contribution to effectively reducing so-called mould breathing, increasing mould rigidity and preventing deflection of the mould parting surface. Different fixing variants in the mould are possible through the thread or the clearance hole.

New additional dimensions

With new additional sizes and lengths, the existing portfolio offers additional varied possibilities for partial support in the mould. The pillars are available direct ex works in the steel quality 1.1730 in diameters ranging from 25-100 mm and lengths ranging from 36-196 mm.

Flexible installation

The thread and clearance hole allow flexible fixing variants in the mould. By shortening the standard lengths, it is also possible to easily and quickly produce customised installation dimensions for special applications. Simple assembly and the reduction in mould deflection guarantee maximum reliability and efficient production during the entire injection moulding process.


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